Monday, November 12, 2007

"Eye appt", or "Did you know?"

Man had this past Friday off so I ran on over to the eye dr to get a check up. Two items of interest:

1) Tag is not the only person in our little family who has an eye that likes to wander off and do its own thing. My left eye strays up a bit, which apparently is very unusual and should be fine with a prism lens. The only problem with that is that contacts don't come with prisms, so it's looking like glasses time again. During the exam things kept going completely double. In real life, that means that my brain is going through enough strain that it gets tired of trying to fuse the images from both eyes together that I'll either get tired eyes or get generally irritated with what I'm reading or otherwise studying (both are common occurrences for me).

2) Glasses won't be a bad thing because my eyes need a break from contacts anyway. In an effort to be frugal, I've been stretching my (fairly expensive) torics for longer than the recommended 30 days... by like 90 days. The dr was not pleased with that at all. What happens is, the longer you wear them the less oxygen exchange happens so your body ends up compensating by having engorged, visible capillaries grow all over the cornea. This will eventually turn the cornea opaque which is a Very Bad Thing. ::sigh:: Glasses again. And my vision is something like 20/260, so I'm totally dependant on corrective eyewear.

The initial part of the exam was sort of funny. He had me sit in the special seat.

Dr: Do you see the white box on the wall?
A: Yep.
Dr: Great. Read the letter off to me.
A: There's a letter?
Dr: Um, yes, the largest letter the chart has. Go ahead and start walking toward it.
A: [close enough to the white box on the wall that my head is mostly in the way of the projection] It's starting to look like a vague blurry square.
Dr: Ok, turn around and walk back toward to the white square. Let me know when you can see it.
A: [about 3-4 feet away from the letter thingy] If I squint, I think it's an E.
Dr: Oh, wow.
A: [thinking, "I don't like it when dr's say that where it concerns me."]
Dr: You have some special eyes there.
A: [thinking, "crap. don't like that one either."]

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