Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One of the reasons I love Christmas, and I'm soooo glad these people aren't my neighbors

My neighbors are all putting up their Christmas stuff outside. The people behind us have lined their fence with white icicle lights which are some of my favs. Others have 10 ft. tall inflatable nonsense in their yards. The guys who had a really nifty Halloween chest that would open up every time a car drove past now have some sort of snowman arrangement. Other people have absolutely nothing at all except for one lonely, sort of creepy, inflatable Christmas... thing, standing completely isolated in their yards.

On the other hand, what if this guy was your neighbor? I'd pop some popcorn, whip up some cocoa, and invite my friends over for the show, but then I'd throw my shoe at him if he woke up my kids.

Frisco Christmas Lights

I can't imagine how loud and bright this is in real life but if he really is in "Frisco" I'd imagine there'd be noise ordinances.

Gosh, how old am I? Cool display and all I can think about is if it would keep me awake at night. Even with a nap yesterday I could hardly roll my sorry self out of bed this morning. Oh, well. Dr's appt today and now I go to see him every week until Baby Freida gets induced EXACTLY ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!! If I make it that long. She's already dropping and my body is doing other things to prepare for delivery but I'm positive that she'll make it at least the 2.5 weeks she needs to be considered term.

And my dear neighbor is moving in two weeks. :( ::sigh:: Another good friend to say goodbye to. Dare I grieve? Man and I spoke with the Primary Pres a couple of weeks ago, explaining that with a new baby and then Man preparing to move on to additional training soon after that it would be wise for us to be released at the new year. But by then I'll have only a couple of months before moving again. Being in the Primary has really given us a lot of compassion for people whose callings keep them largely isolated from the rest of the congregation as far as weekly social time is concerned. We've been in there since just a couple of weeks after moving here and I feel like I don't know very many people at all, with little time to make up for that before moving again. At least our next duty station will be more or less long term. Even if Man does end up getting deployed apparently they'll give us a free move to where ever my support network is, so next time we move I have high hopes of actually getting to know people.

Oh, well. There's my pity party for the day. I'll post again if the dr appt turns anything weird up.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I've been feeling angst the last few weeks about whether to go through all of the effort to hang up Christmas stuff. We are one of the few "dark" houses.

Being in primary *is* rough.

Hang in there these last few weeks!