Thursday, November 08, 2007

Days like this

Days like this.

Last night I heard little crying voices in my dreams, and this morning I found out why. I left Pebbles in her crib sleeping while Princess got ready for school and I scooped her out of bed right before the school drive to find that she had been sick in the night. Oh, well, no time to mop her up before putting her in the car. Bath as soon as we got home, but then she managed to soil the tub pretty badly. Drain, wash, repeat, this time ending up with a clean girl.

Then I find that my chest freezer isn't freezing for some reason. My poor little freezer is now completely stacked with all of the valuable bits I could salvage with several things I'm simply going to have to cook up right away.


May as well clean it out and try to find what's wrong. Yes, it's plugged in, the outlet works, it's turned on, but the power light is off. We've only had it for 2-3 years.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I feel your pain. Dh left the freezer door cracked open over the weekend and I got to cook most of the meat in there.