Thursday, November 08, 2007

Interesting article

First off, freezer update. Apparently my freezer doesn't like the outlet we had to choose, even though a fan thinks it's just fine. The headache now is just finding where we can possibly plug this thing in. It isn't exactly portable. And never mind that it's been there for almost a year now before quitting. Maybe they're having relationship issues.

Anyway, this article caught my attention this morning, and led me to wondering why people I know chose their mate. A lot of people will say something like "God led us to each other" (which is certainly what I claim, even though he's handsome, funny, smart, a good kisser, and at least as tall as I am) or "love at first sight".

But let's keep it to the superficial. What would you be able to tell about your mate after just 4 minutes of focused chatting that would lead you to a second date and from thence to a lifetime commitment? I listed mine above (except I obviously didn't smooch him after just 4 minutes... that took at least 4 dates) so now it's your turn.

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