Saturday, February 17, 2007

A skirt says "It's Sunday"

We hosed down the masses this morning and got everyone in their Sunday best so we could attend the baptisms of two of the young gentlemen in our primary class. Due to a scheduling conflict we had to play musical car so that I could go and conduct the music (while our three kids sat in the crowd) while Man ran off for his obligations. I'm still wearing a necklace and having a hard time remembering that it's only Saturday. I thought about doing laundry but felt guilty all of a sudden for such a blasphemous thought, then remembered that the day to feel guilty for doing housework is still 7 hours away.

Speaking of musical car, any thoughts on multiple vehicles? We're toying with the idea of getting a tiny gas sipper for Man so I can still get out now and then without having to hoof it with two likewise hoofing (and whooping) kids in tow. The alternative would be to get a jogging stroller (a double, for sure) and just make do with appts only on one day a week and hope that no emergencies come up.

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