Thursday, February 08, 2007


Inspired by a friend, I went and got an otoscope thing as well. It was only $10 at Walgreens, a penlight with ear thingy, nose thingy, and tongue depressors. I checked my kids' ears and lo and behold, Tag, who has had an increasingly difficult time focusing and listening, had a massive blockage in one ear. Over the course of two days, two applications of ear wax softener and at least a quart of water we finally have his ear cleaned out. I asked him if he could hear out of that ear better and he said no, but we'll have to see what happens today once the water drains out. It looked like a little less than a cc of matter that was flushed.

After we got his ear all cleaned out, he asked if he could look in my ear. One side he pronounced to be very dirty (we'll have to get Man to verify that) and on the other side he said "wow! rainbows!" So... we'll have so see about that side as well.

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