Sunday, November 05, 2006

Teaching the kids at home

Technology has made it easier than ever to find free resources for teaching children at home. Starting tomorrow, I'll be working with Tag on his numbers, shapes, colors, and alphabet. Princess Butterfly already has a head start but I'll be working with her at the same time as a refresher, just in case I can't get her into preschool until next semester. Tag will be starting some more intensive evaluations next week and since he's my first to actually start attending public school, I'm anxious to start good habits now for staying involved with his education. Who knows... maybe if I get good enough at teaching him and PB and getting them out and involved in the community, I might consider some form of homeschooling. It would all depend on how much exposure to society and different minds they can get while getting homeschooled. Please feel free to send me any links to helpful websites that you have found, as well.


Donna Young, with some good writing practice pages, among other things

(more links forthcoming)

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