Friday, March 25, 2011

Testing out screen shots

So, I'm way behind on tech savvy sorts of things. So I'm playing with screen shots today.


Mediocre Renaissance Man said...

You're funny. Wanna know a neat trick? Open up a small window in your operating system (like a popup window or the calculator - anything that's not full screen) and use this key combination: hold Ctrl and Alt, and press the Prt Scr button (print screen). Then open up Paint (or your favorite image editing software) and paste in your image (Ctrl + v). Magic! (This magic trick will not impress you if you already knew this trick. I claim no liability for feeling underwhelmed.)

Andrea Hardee said...

That's too much work. I'm playing with an add on for Firefox 4. I use FF and Chrome interchangeably. Screen shot button that immediately takes you to a window where you can make simple adjustments very quickly.

I don't have to wait the 20 seconds it takes to find and start paint. :P