Thursday, March 10, 2011

The one trilogy to rule them all

It's official.

I'm finally going to buy a set of Lord of the Rings. The one trilogy to rule them all.

It's finally coming out on Blu-ray in extended edition.

So far, I've got the $5 theatrical dvd's. What I really want is everything from the extended edition in Blu-ray, including interviews and documentaries. I've held off on getting the extended editions for this long because I didn't want to be one of those material hungry fans who just hauls off and gets each new version that hits the market though heaven knows I wanted to be that material hungry fan. I can't even bring myself to watch those $5 dvds on my big, beautiful tv when I know that I'm missing essential parts of the story which are still billed as "extras." Finally, I'll be able to watch these movies the way they were intended to be enjoyed: full length, blu-ray quality, in the comfort of my own home, munching on my favorite brands of popcorn and licorice (Red Vines, man).

Now The Hobbit is going to come out and I'll wait for that special edition to come out on Blu-ray as well. And it will be sweet. My daughter is asking for the Harry Potter series on Blu-ray, but my understanding is that they weren't even filmed in hi-def until the fourth movie anyway.

Oh, I'm so excited. The One Trilogy won't even be available for many months yet but I hit that pre-order button after just a moment of awe. It will be mine... preciousssssss.

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