Monday, March 17, 2008

Thoughts on Monday

- Happy St. Patty's Day!

- Laundry. I finally broke downn and got myself two extra baskets for sorting. Now we have lights, darks, sanitize load, and delicates. Duh, right? Yeah. Why is this stuff so hard for me to make happen both in my head and in my life?

- Thank you, Renee, for introducing your readers to Kerflop. Today's post was much needed and appreciated. As a result I've made a decision about my morning routine. Instead of scheduling it to the gills and trying to make my whole day happen before 10 o'clock, I'm putting just a few, needful things first. Prayer, some scripture time, get ready all the way to my shoes for the day, and hug the family. That's a good, solid foundation for me.

- My 2 year old and my 2 month old wear the same size of diaper -- 3.

- A friend is offering to sell me her 3 seater stroller for a very good price. It's almost new with a wind/rain cover and it's a 3 seater JOGGING stroller with 5 point harness and recline so Frieda can even ride in it. For the price, it'd be worth it to me to buy it now and use it until Tag goes to kindergarten just so I can get out and WALK for Pete's sake. I don't quite have Man convinced but heck, we've impulsed this amount of money away on one single video game in the past. My health is so worth it.

- I finally buckled down and shopped for my first solid menu. We're going to do 4 weeks worth of rotation (buying for one week at a time) and I've finally found a system I can handle. It's just perfect enough that it does what I need it to do, but imperfect enough that I can mess with it at will. I'll be sure to let you know if it works out for me or if my head explodes.

- Man starts a new round of study this week. His orders changed so we're here for anywhere from 3 to 9 months. Ha! Don't you love the uncertainty? I find myself strangely at peace with it. We'll move when we move, and life will go on.

- I hear that my grandmother will be coming back next month after a very lengthy stay in Mexico. It'll be nice to have some family fairly close by again even if she stays only a few short weeks.

- Oddly, Man checked his orders for his next duty station and it has changed. There is no duty station listed as of yet. It's no longer Hawaii. He fiddled around with his CONUS (CONtinental US) and his OCONUS (Overseas CONtinental US) preferences and actually requested some interesting places. We'll have to see what comes through.

- Man took a klept test last week so he can default on a class for the training he's taken. After he passes his next test, he'll have a degree from a very prestigious school, renowned throughout the US. All of his current training actually counts as college credit, which brings his total attempted credits to greater than 300. Oy! That's the equivalent of 25 12 credit semesters, or 12.5 years' worth of study. After that, he has another school lined up where he'll compile all those lovely credits and finally land himself his first bachelor's degree. Won't that be cool. :)

- This past Sat we used some rain checks a friend gave us to go see Horton Hears a Who. The kids loved it and we enjoyed it as well. Good moral, beautiful movie. We may buy it when it comes out.


Kelly said...

Sweet that things are working out for your dh to get a degree! I'm curious to see where you guys will end up next!

Anne Marie said...

Hope you get the stroller. 3 kids in a stroller! Wow! You are amazing that you can take all the uncertainty with such a good-hearted attitude.