Thursday, March 06, 2008


Yes, I'm on the computer a lot today. Lil' Sweet Pea is nursing a lot today. I'm getting fairly good at typing one-handed. This was lifted from Anne Marie's blog.

A: Attached or single? Attached

B: Best friend? Man (see above)

C: Cake or pie? Brownies.

D: Day? Yes

E: Essential Item? Hair clip.

F: Favorite Color? green, blue, purple, tan, deep rose...

G: Gum or mints? Gum

H: Home Town? Classified

I: Indulgences? Blogging when I should be doing laundry or dishes. (answer stolen from Anne Marie

J: January or July? Hm.... both. And everything in between.

K: Kids? Yep. This blog is littered with photographic evidence.

L: Life is incomplete without? time to oneself

M: Mexican or Italian food? Mexican. The authentic stuff.

N: Number of siblings? One brother (Romeo) and 2 sisters (Lima and Echo)

O: One word that describes you? Student

P: Phobia? Losing keys. I locked them in the van once and ever since have always checked twice to make sure they are about my person before closing the last door.

Q: Quote?
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to
be encumbered with your old nonsense.--Ralph Waldo Emerson

R: Reason to smile? Every time my Man walks through a door to where I am.

S: Season? Spring and Fall. Colors, smells, change, no extremes... love it.

T: Tag? I don't believe in tagging. Do it if you want.

U: Unknown fact about you? Um... I hate purses. I use pockets if at all possible. Otherwise, I have a waist-pouch or a backpack.

V: Vegetable you love? a really good stir-fry mix, or artichokes well-prepared.

W: Worst habit? Inconsistency.

X: X-ray or Ultrasound? Depends on what sort of either and for what reason. So far, ultrasound.

Y: Your favorite food? Good grief. Well, chocolate, I guess. But I love a good bowl of beans and rice, and fresh homemade bread and chicken soup, and fajitas with grilled veggies, oh and grilled chicken, and grilled vegetable dinner (mushrooms, peppers, onions, squash, eggplant, pineapple, zucchini and crookneck), and pulled pork and sushi... This is just as dumb as asking my favorite song.

Z: Zodiac Sign? Cancer. And every time someone asks I think of a diseased crab coming to get me!


Adelheide said...

I was excited to find that you had a blog. I'm enjoying reading your posts. Your kids are cute and I can't believe how big they're getting. Take Care!

Anne Marie said...

Fun to read about you. I love that quote. Definitely going to save that one.