Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stolen Moments - Gifted Moments

-- Corned beef on ciabatta. One of Man's creations and something we eat only once a year. We enjoyed this for dinner today, along with some frizzled cabbage. Not a low fat meal in any regard. I consider this moment a gift. He would have been leaving today. But the orders changed.

-- Frieda fussed in Sunday school, wanting to eat. But she calmed and wouldn't eat in the mother's room at church. That was a stolen moment during which I chatted with a lot of women I might not otherwise have connected with. It reminded me of how much I've missed the company of women during my time teaching Primary.

-- Babyhood, childhood both run by so quickly. I'm the mother of a 6 year old. I love to just drop everything and hug them all occasionally. I'm sure they think that those moments are stolen. I think they're gifts.

-- Spending an hour with the husband in the middle of the day while two kids sleep and another two kids magically play well together in another room. Quiet, calm, peaceful time together while the sun is still up. Very much a gift but still slightly stolen.

-- Blogging an hour after Frieda has fallen asleep... 100% stolen.

Isn't it funny how you get to a certain age where being sent to bed for poor behavior is actually a very desirable thing? Kids just don't understand how good they have it.

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