Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The fray

Ill mark the day
When we can meet beyond the fray
Don't lose the will to see your home
You'll find a way
So we can meet beyond the fray
Ill fight to see that you get home

It seems like a fray lately. Thankfully, the girls' conjunctivitis seems to have largely cleared up, though I'll have to examine Pebbles' eyes closely this morning to make sure. Princess is still fighting her cough. Tag came down with diarrhea and high fevers yesterday so I'm going to make an emergency appt with a dentist at the crack of 8 am this morning to either get a root canal or just pull the darn thing and get a spacer installed.

After that I get to drive to the pediatrician for the two little girls to get checked out (Pebbles' eyes, Frieda needs a follow up on the jaundice and a weight check), then I must stop to get prescriptions filled followed by a dr appt for Princess for her cough which may be a strep relapse.

I believe dinner tonight will be a Costco pizza.

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