Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finally! I found the camera battery charger.

Trying very hard not to smile, and showing off his huge eyelashes at the same time.

Still trying not to smile.

As soon as the camera comes out, these girls go a little nuts.

I told them to hug, and they did, but they were so eager to pose on their own that the hug only lasted 2 seconds.

Um.... yeah.

And a cheesy grin.

And this beautiful girl decided to arrive at a milestone yesterday. Can you tell what's new?

Here's a different angle....


Autumnhaze said...

Those are great pictures! I am so amazed at how much Tag looks like his Dad at the same age! Your girls are adorable and Kelsea is jealous of Princess's ears. I think she might just be about ready to take care of them herself, so perhaps for her next birthday :-)

wet watermelon said...

AAAAHHH!!! How are they all growing up so fast! :) I say that every time I comment, don't I?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Who are those children and what did you do with my babies? Sob