Thursday, July 22, 2010

Limbo again

Man is officially discharged from the hospital after an extended outpatient treatment. However, he isn't going back to his job at all, so in the mean time his job is to go to all of his appointments and otherwise keep in touch with his command. He may get to do some sort of internship to keep him busy once they figure out which unit in which to put him, and he may actually have another opportunity to attend school this fall. If he does get to do school again or even hang out half the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that would definitely make my fall life easier as I wouldn't have to find childcare. No official word on the medboard yet but we're told that we're "almost done" with that process. We'll have a chance to appeal once their decision comes back, but we're not sure what decision we'd really be happy with and whether to fight.

In the mean time, I'm going to go take some stress out on the gym.

1 comment:

Giauque said...

I can sympathize with you. We are also living in Limbo land and yes it is not a fun place to be.