Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Limbo -- not a graceful place to exist

The past four years have taught me that waiting for life to happen is a sure way to waste precious time. My second semester of college looms before me when I could have taken online classes at any time over the past 9 years and maybe had a degree by now. I could have made and retained any number of friends if only I had been bold enough to reach out and feel a little more comfortable with myself.

There is nothing like tremendous personal discomfort to force someone to define their own identity.

Yesterday, Man spent several hours getting papers signed both here and at Walter Reed to get into something called the Warrior Transition Unit. The idea behind this unit to provide a place for wounded warriors to be accountable to the Army while still being able to go to their many appointments. Since Man now goes to half a dozen appointments per week, they've decided they're not going to get much real work out of him and it'd be best to put him in this unit until things are looking up for him.

We got the unofficial findings at his big Med Board hearing from a few months ago, wherein he was found unfit for duty. Now, it being unofficial, we're not quite packing yet. Especially since they said his level of depression was "medically acceptable," something with which we and his doctors don't agree. This means that we'll need to appeal if his level of disability is based purely on shoulder pain, and that could lengthen this process by a few months. Since we're so close to the finish line on the main portion of the medboard, I'm not sure whether to plan for school anymore, though.

Regardless of what's going on in the next few months, I'm taking delight in purging our closets and cupboards. There is a big pile of crap that has accumulated in the back portion of my house. It has now doubled and moved to the living room, awaiting the day Man will actually let me keep the van so I can go dispose of it at a thrift store. My room is now clear of the boxes through which I was pawing. My real treasures are safely stashed and my trash is prepared for jettison.

Princess is almost done with Harry Potter, has recently begun a new counted cross stitch project, and has moved her clothing from the Kid Clothing Collective by the laundry room to keep all of her possessions in her room. She's growing up a little more and turning her room slowly into the nest some adolescents prefer.

Tag has made a new friend! This time he found the son of a master chief petty officer. Hah! It's funny what friends your kid makes in a mixed rank neighborhood.

I guess that's it for now. I'm going to be posting a but more in the recipe blog now that I have five new Muses to keep me on track, thanks to my brother, parents, Uncle Jim, and E-mealz (low carb plan).

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