Friday, February 27, 2009

Not so positive post

Man had weapon qualification today, but he was issued a malfunctioning weapon which had a lot more kickback than what he's used to. He managed to fire ten shots before he was shaking badly enough from pain that his sergeant made him sit out the rest of the day. Too bad that surgery didn't work, eh?

What this means: If he can't shoot a weapon, he's out of the military.

Why this is bad: This is a rotten time to be without insurance especially since it's his dominant arm and jobs are hard to come by lately, we have an asthmatic child, and four kids get sick and hurt. Oh, and a paycheck is nice, too.

Please keep us in your prayers as the next few weeks unfold.

He has an appointment to talk to his commander on Monday. He's going to ask for another chance to qualify but this time using a good weapon. He showed me the bruises on his shoulder from the one he used today. We've already given our 30 day notice on our house and our household goods have been scheduled for pick up.

He had a blessing tonight from our home teacher. It was a very powerful blessing that left him with buoyed spirits.

We aren't out of options yet. I've gotten student aid approved for me for this fall and the aid information has been sent to a couple of colleges. Now I need to see if they'll let us move after all before I apply at the school. If worse comes to worst, I have a good brain and can get a job.

Stress level on a scale of 1-10: 8.5

Faith that we'll get through this 1-10: 10

The hardest part is watching him hurt.



Katie said...

I will be thinking of you during this time and keeping you in my prayers.

Mamabug said...

Alright - you have been added to the list of people I am praying for and thinking of. Sorry is shoulder got all bruised and beat.

Anonymous said...

hug, wiggle, hug, hug!