Thursday, February 12, 2009


How does this happen?

Our ward is tiny. I think we have fewer than 150 active people coming each week. A hand out was passed around a couple of weeks ago asking who would like to make some chicken parmesan to bring to a potluck for a ward Valentine's activity. The handout came to the Primary last (which is where Man and I work) and there were still two slots left when I, the last person in the whole church, received the sign up. I asked the lady specifically and clearly, "is this something that will fit into a 9x13" pan?"

"Oh, yes!" she cried. "Definitely."

"Cool," I said. "I'd be happy to fill those last two slots since my oven can hold two 9x13" pans."

Fast forward to this past Sunday. This particular ward potluck doesn't have much luck to it since we were given the ingredients and the recipe we were to follow. (can I follow it?? Mmmmmmmmmmm.... not likely.) And then she tells us that she has had to TRIPLE each batch and hands us all these turkey roaster-sized disposable roasting pans filled with two gallon-sized ziploc bags of chicken, a whole huge can of spaghetti sauce, and at least a pound of spaghetti noodles among the other little ingredients. Me? I get two. TWO!! Precisely what I signed up for but TIMES THREE after fulfilling my end of the assessment phase by asking the quantity question.

How the heck am I supposed to cook two of these things when I have only one oven rack?

I'm feeling a little betrayed. I'll think of something though.

Even if I have to tweak the recipe, like, A LOT.

On top of that I have tonsillitis so I guess I'll be making it in a burka so keep the infection from spreading. [/pity party]

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