Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newsflash - I'm a dork!

I've been biking and occasionally doing the 30 Day Shred when I don't mind the idea of getting my trash kicked. I'm stronger, my endurance has picked up a bit, and I'm starting to feel better all around. So, I sometimes run places instead of walking. It feels good to be able to run for longer than 30 seconds before feeling like I'm going to collapse a lung.

Yesterday I parked the van at school and ran across the front lawn to go get my kid. The teacher sent Tag over quickly as I looked like I was in a hurry.

I said "no, just trying to be more fit."

She said "you're running across the school lawn to be more fit?"

Me: "Um, yeah."

She smiled.

How could I explain that after a lifetime of bronchitis, asthma, poor physical condition, pregnancy, and postpartum depression I can finally RUN? Granted, I'm not going to be doing any marathons for a while but the freedom of asking my body to do something related to strength and endurance and not having it puke out on me immediately is liberating beyond words.

Yeah, I'm a dork who runs across the lawn to "be more fit". Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Maybe I should just get a treadmill.

1 comment:

wet watermelon said...

Dorks UNITE! I totally ran in place this morning and my foot got sore. Do the lawn--it will keep you in touch with the earth, and heck--keep it fresh!