Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Long time, no typey!

Well, here we are, all moved and partly settled. It's so strange to be in a place so big all to ourselves. It's funny how having kids can make a place shrink somewhat. After all the hoopla about making sure we didn't have too much stuff, I ended up renting a truck two sizes too big and we coulda bought another 2000 pounds of stuff without even really coming close to our weight maximum. The casualties of the move were small (relatively) and after a couple of setbacks this place is really starting to take shape. We swapped two bedrooms (which took a whole day) and had to buy a new clothes washer. The other one was very old and going out before we moved anyway. The land here is amazing. We have a park in our backyard, a eucalyptus tree mere yards from our back door, a view of the ocean, a tomato plant in the front yard, a carport, within walking distance of the grocery store, and within a 3-10 minute drive of everything we could possibly need.

Things I miss:
1) The family. Grandfolks, parents, sibs, uncles and an aunt. What a hoot y'all are and I miss you guys tons.
2) The family we were staying with. Their cheerfulness, love, the companionship, and I have had to seriously cut back on how much food I cook. It's kinda fun to pretend that I'm cooking for a mess hall.
3) The snow. Not much chance of that happening here.

Things I'm glad to leave behind:
1) The ICE!!! Love snow. Can do without the ice.

And that's all I can think of. Weird.

I think Princess Butterfly has grown about 3 inches in the last 4 months or so. She put on some pants yesterday that she hasn't tried in a long time. They used to flop off the ends of her feet by at least 3 inches but now they fit perfectly. Tag is also starting to outgrow some of his clothes but it totally oblivious to that when it comes to his favorite white pajamas that his Oma got him. He insists on wearing them every night no matter how cramped they get. Pebbles took a few days to get used to Man, but will now fall asleep in his arms if she doesn't have any other needs. I'm still her favorite, but I was Tag's favorite for a long time as well. All three of them love all of the space here. We're still making things baby-proof, especially since we have found that one single packing peanut, in the hands of a little baby, can make a spectacular mess. At least we don't have the melting kind around.

By the way, my couches look great in the living room here, and the bed is pretty dang comfy.

Someone I knew from the university town we lived in moved and was able to put her home together within three days. I thought about that, the third day after we had moved, and looked around at all of my boxes and pictures that had yet to be hung.

Oh, well. I'm glad someone out there can do it. :)

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