Friday, December 29, 2006

Still unpacking

Goodness! As boring as our life has been over the last few weeks you'd think that we'd be all settled in. Though there are several personal touches in place around here, I'm finding new pleasure in looking at them as I pull new ones out in our attempt to organize our various storage areas. The little spice rack my grandfather made for me, the stool with the fold-down back that my mom cleaned up for my kids to use (said stool having been used since I was a wee one), a framed wedding photo, the family home even chart I painted for a relief society activity. It's surprising how much home I really did have all along. I just needed to learn how to see it and cherish it. We havn't seen some of these things since July so it's almost like they're new again. I started a Norman Rockwell puzzle last night which I intend to frame but I think that project is still a future event.

Princess is getting ready for a birthday soon and I'm wondering if I ought to be super functional and throw a party for her. If so, it'd have to be the Saturday afterward b/c I'm so not prepared for something in just a couple of days. We also don't know anyone except for one nice girl up the street who is 2 years younger. They play well together and her mom and I get along swimmingly, so I guess I shouldn't be too picky. ;) A package came from her great grandparents the other day and now suddenly her birthday is an imminent reality for her. Tag keeps asking if "we" can open her presents after her birthday. It's a hard thing for him to understand that the togetherness of opening Christmas gifts doesn't apply to birthdays. It's a good thing his birthday isn't too far behind! We watched some old videos of them from a year or two ago and I marveled at how much they really have grown. They don't look different at all, just older and more mature. Does that mean I look older and more mature?? Man seems to think so. ;)

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