Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The many faces of bliss

Today's fun moments:

Walking to the commissary today, it rained! I know this isn't odd or uncommon here in the winter, but it was fun to walk through the drizzle and chuckle at the thought that this might actually be considered a "heavy" storm.

Breakfast: roasted garlic focaccia, avocado (the avocados here are the size of my fist, folks!), red chili sauce, and toasted nori and sesame seeds.

Catching the trash truck just in time. Those nice men waited for me to dash out with my trash bin.

Finding out that nori sheets are $1 per pack here, rather than the $7 at the grocery where we lived before.

Having all boxes out of sight. Man has asked that rather than going through things and putting them away as I open the boxes, that we stash everything and then go through it afterward. Ah, clean home. Just don't open my cupboards or storage room.

Lesson learned for the day: don't give babies dried mango, no matter how tiny it's chopped. Goes through them like senna tea and epsom. Sad baby.

Second lesson learned for the day: Never underestimate the power of a young boy to tell whether it's a bus or a trash truck out the closed and shaded window. My ear is not so discriminating as Tag's. That boy has a spidey sense when it comes to these things.

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