Monday, January 11, 2010

The glowing report of an INFJ

You know what's hilarious, this description of an INFJ is well written, articulate, and describes people of rarity and mystery with loving attention to a Feeler's delicate feelings.

This description applies to Jung himself, whose theories gave rise to the Myers-Briggs personality test.

And it's official: I'm registered for classes. I'm trying not to scream inside my head a little, wondering what it's going to take to get solid A's. I did go with the Intro to Human Services. Four classes, including one online.

Time to go buy books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok slow down a little!
1. You are registered! YAY!
2. Settle for B's! (notice I didn't say C's which is totally an acceptable passing grade!)
3. Breathe!
4. Relax! You can do this and you will be great at it!
5. Remember that you can do anything you set your mind to.
6. If I was there I would totally kid sit so you wouldn't have to worry about that!
7. Should be #1 Remember all the people that love you and support you! ME!