Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Where on earth did July go?

ONCE AGAIN we are resurfacing from illness. My strep was not quite so bad as last time and I made it through without antibiotics. But, since this is the third major case of it I've had since Feb, it's time to seriously examine tonsil removal. Those stupid tonsils occlude my airway and it actually unsettled the Unflappable Man to the point where, several times in the night, he'd have to wake me to move onto my side since I was choking on my own throat.

So I'm shaking my tiny fist at the universe and repeating in my head that I'm still only in my 20's despite having the health problems of a 60 year old fat person. FRUSTRATED.

In good news, weight loss has continued (being sick doesn't hurt that at all). I'm down 30 pounds now. I'm trying not to count how much further I want to go since I don't even know where that is. When I run and am not weary, and sleep without getting brain damage, I guess I'll know I'm there.

July was consumed by dr's appts, illness, attempts at summer fun (our sugar candy never formed due to dissolving the sugar in water that was too hot -- my fault. but we did make it to the new pool that lives one block from here)

Truly, I did not know it was August until yesterday, the 3rd.

August is a mixed bag, here. We need to go through all of the kids' clothes. The older ones need bigger sizes of things, the younger ones need to draw on the clothes we've saved back, and I can finally give away up to size 18m now that Freida is solidly in the 2-3T range. She's only about 4 slim inches shorter than her older sister and she still isn't very happy unless she has some sort of food stuff taking up space in her little maw.

Next order of business is to get school supply lists from the school and get kids registered. I consider this a happy thing. Tag is never so happy as when he gets several hours a day with his friends. Princess is never so happy as when she has mental stimulation which she's getting better at finding on her own (hallelujah. today her thing is leaf rubbings).

Princess has started reading Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, and a few books I picked up in the $1 section of our local Book-A-Million (black beauty, anne of green gables) She's also asking about hair cuts and ear piercing again. Anyone know of a place that does both ears at the same time? I don't think she'll be up for ear #2 if done consecutively. Then she asked if, after the ear piercing, she could start wearing makeup. Then I realized that she's wanting to do all kinds of grown up things all at once and wondered how many liberties to let her indulge. We'll start with the hair and the ears.


Katie said...

I would think any establishment that has two available workers can pierce both ears at once. It's not difficult, it's just a matter of having enough people on hand. Maybe going to the place early morning or during a lull so they are not busy. I know Limited Too in the mall does it (that's where I learned how to do it). If you go to a silver loft type kiosk I don't think they will have enough workers. I can't see one person doing two at a time but maybe things have changed. Good luck with all you have going on.

Anonymous said...

Wow! She needs to stop growing up! No makeup ever please!!! She's way too gorgeous for that stuff.