I know that many of these issues aren't things I have any control over, and yet they concern people for whom I care muchly and forever. My heart is grateful that they include me in these growing times and heavy with empathy and awareness that they hurt during the growth.
My Relief Society president dropped by today to see how I'm doing. We chatted about my feelings on whether to keep two callings. She mentioned her battle with debilitating anemia and I struggled with whether to feel bad about asking for a lighter load while her own is unrelieved. She spoke of her concern for my health and feeling of inclusion in the ward and offered her services if any further needs arise. All in all, a good conversation.
It left me wondering about my comfort zones again. How uncomfortable should I be in my life in order to keep growing? I think that depends on how much I push myself before things get uncomfortable.
We also had a great visit from our good friends, the H2 family. Friend R is a dose of humor and good conversation who always leaves me feeling calmer, happier, nicer. And she brought me a cookbook, so she's earned a free pass on my good graces for many years to come. ;)
Freida has been a pill lately that is not assuaged by any offering we pathetic mortals lay before her tiny, pudgy feet. Hopefully it's one of those phase things they talk about in baby books that I don't really believe in. She weeps when anyone besides her is in my lap, cries when she's in my lap and I refuse to act as a conveyance for her imperative whims, screams when anyone approaches that which she has decided is hers, and wails when someone becomes upset that she has taken violent measures to secure an object of desire, even if she herself was not subject to any retaliatory measures. Yes, I've been trying positive attention, pain meds, proper feeding, etc.
So, I'll try to find some topics to write on at some point. In the mean time just know that dr's appts continue for one and all, we're doing great, and Man managed to find the battery charger for the camera, so that's back in business. These pics were taken by our neighbor who is studying a bit of photography.
A cute shot, and another angle on the hair cut. It's really growing on me, and shows off how her face has shed its toddler aspect.
Interesting shot.
My big girl, enjoying her bike.
My boy, enjoying his bike.
When did my chunky baby boy grow into this skinny, athletic young man?
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