Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Goings on

-Lost the charger for the camera battery. :( So, no pics for a while until 'tis found or replaced.

-Man had some leave, so that was nice. Time with kids and family is always good. House is recovering from our staycation.

-As a consequence of vacationing, I did as little actual cooking as I could get away with, so no new recipes.

-My carpet no longer looks new and spot cleaner isn't cutting it anymore. I may actually have it cleaned while we live here.

-Costco has the most awesome sticker books on bugs, snakes, safari animals, and sea creatures.

-it's difficult to explain to kids what to do with damp/wet laundry. "look. hang it on the side of the basket if it's wet." It's just too complicated and bewildering.

-Summer is too fun. I can see why some people homeschool. Reading books, playing math games, watching science videos and making homemade rock candy are things I like doing with or without the kids at home.

-houseflies need to die, and darn the global consequences.

-(I don't really mean that -- the only ones that positively must die are the ones who dare enter my home)

-a radio station that plays songs I like and doesn't have frequent commercials is worth its weight in gold... so to speak.

-Best hair clips in the world: octopus hair clips. I found some at Walmart and now I'll never use another kind again. It's the first clip I've used that I can put in my hair in the morning and forget about until bedtime.

-Buying nice bread and deli meats from the store is waaaaaaay less expensive than a trip to a fast food place. (one family trip to Chipotle = $35. bread and meat and chips for two large meals for a family of 6 = $17)

and now I'm out of random stuff to post.

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