Sunday, July 13, 2008

Over heard today:

Tag: Eeeny Meanie Miney Moe, If you catch a tiger let his toe go. (maybe you'd have had to have been there)

Pebbles: I am a child of God, and He has sah sah here. Has gimminim eary home... chitty bang bang love you!

We sang The Ants Go Marching in the van on the way home from church (I LOVE singing with Man while we drive places. He is so good at accompaniment.) and Princess couldn't get enough of that song. She asked if we could have a verse where the ants stop to pick flowers. I tried to explain that it should rhyme. We got stuck on 5 since Man and I are such goofballs.

The ants go marching five by five, the little one stops to...
... raid a beehive.
... give a high five. (this one got vetoed)
... take a nose dive.
... he likes to Jive.
... go for a drive.
... try to survive.
... ah, ah, ah, ah stayin' alive.
... try an' derive.
... the little one stops because he's arrived.

We put Freida on the floor at church during the last classes and by the time we were ready to leave, she was getting onto her hands and knees. Which just means, of course, that we aren't putting her on her stomach enough at home considering how physically able she is to just pick it up so quickly under more favorable circumstances. Say it with me: AAAAAAAACK!!

I was talking with friend C and some friends the other day (-waves at C-) and we happened to be talking about dead people. Why this came up, I have no recollection whatsoever. Anyway, I brought up that Bill Cosby bit where someone has died and he suggests that you make up an audio recording that you could play from the casket to personalize your viewing and make people feel more at home. His example was "Hi, Herb. How's the wife and kids? Don't I look natural? Don't I look like myself?"

We had a good time thinking of other things we could record for our own viewings such as (but not limited to, this is a family friendly blog) the following:

- Fred, nice to see you. You still owe me $50 and don't you think that you're getting away with it just because I'm in this box.

- Hey, this is actually quite comfortable. You gotta get in here and try it out.

- Hi, Larry. Can you do me a favor? My nose itches.

- (silence, until a loved one reaches over to hold the hand of the deceased) Gosh, your hands are warm. Don't forget to wash them after you're done here. I am dead, you know.

It was nice to joke around with a medic. Death is something that I have almost no experience with but she's been in the med business for years. Somehow, this sort of thing makes it seem less scary. We joke about birth, puberty, college, marriage, divorce, moving, jobs, and every other life occurrence but I don't know if I've ever joked about death before. Maybe it's because I've never talked to someone face to face who has ever experienced it before.

What would you have your little recorder share with those attending your viewing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Hey! couldya get me outta here? needs more leg room!"
If you don't laugh at the really scary stuff it gets even scarier!