Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Wheat Grinder Giveaway

I've never participated in a web giveaway before, but this one looked interesting.

Remember those shelves I told you about? The website you can buy them from has a blog and a weekly giveaway, located here. Go check it out!

I figure most of the stuff you can sign up for online ends up being so much attention-grabbing garbage to begin with, but from a place that made this sexy thing:

I shall trust that the giveaway will be good. :) (Doesn't her left hand say it all? she can't keep her hands off this pillar of perfection.) (disclaimer, I did not take this photo and couldn't figure out who did.)


CrustyCupcake said...

Can you say OCD?

Andrea Hardee said...


How many times should I say it to get it just perfect?

-pant, pant-

Mamabug said...

A little bit off subject but somewhat related ... Have you heard or know much about sun ovens?