Thursday, September 10, 2009

Princess at school

I'm loving some of the writing assignments Princess brings how nowadays. Here are a couple of samples:

The Wise Monkey (A Story Review)

I like the part when the monkey eats all the cheese because it is funny and mean. Me and my sisters love cheese. I think the monkey is weird and not wise. Instead I think the monkey is a weirdo.

Here is an adlib sort of story she wrote:

One dark morning I woke up and found that I had been turned into a baby. I was very tiny. I had tattoos all over my body. They were itchy and gold. At home, my fish gave me a spanking and told me to eat my cereal. But I wanted a flower instead. At school, my principal was laughing and I had to sit in a locker. Finally, they called a magician and I was soon back to being myself. Everyone said "what!!" and I agreed with them!

(she says to tell you all that the "what" part was a mess up. It should have been "what a day!")

We had some really great laughs over this, and now I simply MUST get some real adlibs for this child.

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