Younger Guy: Hey, can you hand me a screwdriver? [he was in the furnace closet in some weird stretchy pose, trying to get the roof repaired since the whole unit had to be replaced]
Older Guy: Where's your tool bag? [older guy is a former Navy sergeant, or whatever the Navy calls their sergeants.]
YG: Outside, from when we were putting the unit together. Can I just borrow yours?
OG: You may not. Why didn't you keep track of your stuff? Do you see what I have to work with? [stumps off in a huff to go find the other guy's tool bag rather than lend his own tool]
Me: Yep, [speaking to younger guy] and I see what you have to work with. That's what you get for working with former military. Now he's going to get on your case if it's dirty, too.
OG: [coming back] Why isn't your bag very organized? And there's grime on this one.
The two little girls when to bed for naps and I went to take a shower. After dressing I saw that it was raining outside. I had been told that if it rained they couldn't install the unit, but the actual machine was already in the closet by this time. I plaintively asked if they had to take it out and come back later. OG told me yes, see you Monday. That was actually reassuring since the older guy had a tendency to deadpan irony.
All in all, it took about 8 hours to get the whole thing put together, including the little platform it sits on. They kept ribbing each other the whole time and never stopped for even a single break.
I think my previous depression was due in large part to hormones. But then, a lot of what was going on it finally resolving -- we are in possession of our second vehicle, the AC is fixed and it's actually a much more efficient unit (thank goodness!!), Tag's asthma attack is very slowly but surely diminishing as the long term meds help and the air in the house goes back to being filtered, and I finally got a good night's sleep last night.
The kids went with us to WalMart yesterday and we found the Halloween stuff. Tag got blue hair paint, Princess got glitter hair paint, and we are never getting the glitter stuff again. It gets everywhere. I prayed it on their hair ourside and the glitter actually hung in the air for several minutes. Tag actually got blue hair with sparkles over the top of it, so his if blue with gold parts. I had a hard time explaining to them why they couldn't have their hair like that at church.
Tag lost a tooth.
Princess has developed a seriously loose tooth she wanted to share with the blogosphere:
Pebbles got a hair cut.
Frieda is asleep so you'll have to wait to see her.
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