I don't know how to make a file downloadable from a blog (any ideas?) but here's a picture:
The above is Princess' chart. The best part is, it has worked for a whole one day! I've coupled it with the House Fairy idea, but after watching just one HF video I've ingested enough saccharine to go into a sugar coma. Fantastic idea and I'm thinking of making a donation out of pure joy, but I'm still feeling a little ill. The basic idea is that the kids never know when the HF is going to come and see their rooms. If they are clean, the HF will leave a surprise. If not, they'll get a little note that says "better luck next time!" I've told mine that I'm going to pretend to be a HF since we don't do the whole "some mythical person is watching you, so be good or else" thing.
Man asked why I didn't just leave the Fairy bit out and just tell them that they'd be getting surprise inspections. The soldier flavor of that doesn't agree with me either.
I love the positive reinforcement of it though. The kids woke up this morning, having cleaned their rooms yesterday, and perfected them before going to school.
Now, you have to understand that these kids get woken up at 6:15am in order to be ready to walk out the door by 7am. This morning they were ready to go by 6:40 (shoes and all!) and wanted to put a dent in their chore charts and make sure everything was Fairy-worthy. Tag even started a load of laundry for me. That right there was worth the entire effort of printing these things out.
Now, today is day two. If we're still doing ok by these ideas by next week, I'm going to throw myself a little party.
So... that was totally icky & extremely realistic! I'm not sure how BC would buy the whole idea of a mythical "fairy" but I think it might be worth a try! Good job on the chore chart! Now if it only works on the mommy.......
At WordPress I am allowed to upload these file types to my 3GB of storage with them:
jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt
Here at Blogger I was unable to find a way to upload anything other than images or videos. If you want to make something else available for upload, you need to find another place to put that file online and link to it from your blog.
There are many file hosting services available (some for free and most for a fee), you just need to search for one that meets your needs without costing too much.
I believe Microsoft offers something like three gigs of storage for free with one of their services, but I can't recall which one. Most web site hosting services (there used to be a bunch of free ones in the pre-blog era) also offer free online storage space.
I am so impressed. I need to get some chore chart thingy going. You'd think after almost 11 years of being a mome, I would have figured out how to do one. Apparently not. Your kiddos are looking adorable. Hope life is treating you well.
Isn't it fabulous when kids become more self-sufficient?!! Congrats and I hope that the fairy bit keeps working at your house!
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