Thursday, September 04, 2008

Self Restraint Is...

Self Restraint Is

Waiting to use the NEW shampoo and conditioner until the OLD stuff runs out.

I don't know why, but this one is so hard for me.

I've been using Herbal Essences recently. Though it is more expensive than Suave, it is far thicker and more effective and smells better and thus earns its keep a lot more. There are few products for which I am genuinely willing to pay extra and feel that my money is well-spent and this is one of them.

So I've been using None of Your Frizziness and loving it. I'm going to try their Totally Twisted as soon as the old stuff runs out but the other stuff just keeps lasting. These small bottles of product have lasted for (counts on fingers) almost a month and I have half bottles left!! With Suave, I was going through about a large bottle a month. It's not as thick, see?

If I use the new stuff for just one day I might not finish the old bottle and then where would I be? I'd have 4 bottles in my shower, Man would get irritated, I'd get irritated, and I wouldn't use the old stuff at the correct rate for both the shampoo and conditioner to be done being consumed at the same time, my OCD would have a cow, and then I wouldn't be able to enjoy the new products as much as they deserve.

-sigh- It's just for the common good that I be a bit jittery in anticipation of the new shampoo and conditioner than to give in and use them before their time. Though I long for the thrill of newness, I shall remain steadfastly monogamous, or the shampoo equivalent thereof.

Then I'm going to dump its silly butt in the bin and have a party with the new fellow! I mean, shampoo.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Glad you survived the move!!

I also have compulsions about too many bottles in the shower. Usually I get impatient in the end and dump the last bit of shampoo into the kids' bath and call it bubble bath.