Monday, May 02, 2011

A rant, copied from Facebook

Just shush. No, really, SHOOSH!!

by Annie H on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 10:53am
Oh, the conspiracy theories, assumptions, and stick up your butt suspicions about politicians of every stripe and creed! Don't you realize that for every point of conspiracy you fabricate you only add to the number of lies in the universe? You think you are so wise that you can see through a media portrayal of a situation for which you have no special intelligence beyond your own pride. Internet! Really! I don't care if you think that they sliced Bin Laden from neck to navel and found a mini Jimmy Hoffa quietly constructing a dirty nuke out of unobtanium! You're not helping by making more lies.

The only reason you're puking these abominations is to make yourself sound savvy, jaded, and just slightly more in the know than any other American who has access to exactly the same information you do. You think you've merely had a brilliant epiphany, made the rare connection, and totally Da Vinci Coded the American Government.  You don't even understand the American government, let alone the motives and imminent reactions of a culture which you've never bothered to study!

Let me tell you something that your parents may have tried to pound into your skull while you were still an adolescent: no one cares about your opinions nearly as much as you do, especially when they are based on noxious vapor. The only people who will agree with you without question are called toadies, and for good reason. They want to ride the coattails of what they perceive as great wisdom and insight, and they want to be hip enough to say later "I told you so" to pathetic unbelievers who might have been among the elite who knew, if only they had listened to your tripe in the first place. They make heuristic analyses where you are the main source of information and you use their sycophantic fawning as confirmation that you are a flippin' Nostradamus.

Well, congratulations. You feel so good about yourself, spouting off your assumptions in a public forum where arguments are safe as long as you use enough CAPS and buzz words from obscure political ideologies to make the rude dissenters finally walk away in disgust. Bravo.

Now, shut up. Really.

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