Monday, February 14, 2011


We can't send goodies to school for birthdays, Halloween (aka Fall Festival), Christmas (aka Winter Holidays, with which I'm actually ok given the plethora of religious observances at that time of year), Valentines Day (aka Friendship Day), or Easter (I don't know what PC moniker they've got for it this year, but anything's better than the now popular "Zombie Jesus Day").

On the other hand, they'll serve chicken nuggets to my kids every Monday, hot dogs/chili dogs every Tuesday, crispy chicken on a roll every Wednesday (once a month it's grilled instead of crispy), tacos on Thursday and pizza on Friday. 

If they put as much thought into lunches as they do for keeping treats from home out of schools, they might get more creative with the menu, yes?  There are alternatives for each of these digestive horrors, along the lines of macaroni and cheese, ravioli (from a can), cheese fish sandwich, and fish nuggets. 

(this rant comes after my son came home with a stomach ache today.  Poor kid did nothing worse than eat what the FDA put in front of him.)  (yes, yes, I'm a parent with all the power to teach him to pack his own lunch each day and I should, but this rant is more about a pathetic irony than a towering outrage over his lunch choices.) 

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