Monday, February 14, 2011


Adrianna the Monster.  The purple flower on her left arm is to cover a slight mishap.

Adrianna and Linus.  Linus was my first monster ever, Adrianna is the third.

A new haircut. 
I've been having some fun with stash busters lately.  Man found out that his orders hadn't even entered the Human Resources department yet, so until that happens we're perpetually T - 2 weeks until we get them.  In the mean time I've been working with all the odds and ends in the freezer and cupboards to clean them out as gracefully as possible.  In between job and home hunting, I've also been doing some stash busting.  The above monsters require about 2/3 of a ball of fun fur and just the knobbly little bit of a ball of yarn left over from any project for arms and legs.  The flowers are from the $1 store and buttons are also from the stash.  They are stuffed with old rags.  My little girls are going nuts over these little guys, including one little girl whom I see regularly at Tag's basketball practices.  I made hers pink with heart eyes because she's about as girly as little girls can get.  Princess may break me of monsters though, due to high monster ambitions.  That girl's got plans nigh unto a French court where its appearance is concerned. 

Then there's Freida, whose ambitions merely included a personal topiary on her head.  Luckily she didn't get very far before getting caught.  In the photo she's demonstrating how she can fly like a butterfly when she's wearing her butterfly shirt. 

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