Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So busy that I actually....

Busy.    BUSY.             .......busy.

There are some days where I have about one hour of downtime (in 10 minute chunks) and, unfortunately, blogging tends to come last.

This morning I was getting ready to head out the door and I hollered out to the Things.

"Princess, shoes, backpack, jacket, homework, lunch, brushed hair?"


"Tag, shoes, backpack, jacket, homework, lunch?"  (he doesn't brush his hair)



"What!"  (her voice echoed in the distance)

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, on the potty!!"

"Ok.   Freida, got your backpack and shoes?"

"Yeth!"  (she has a slight lisp)

This whole time I was making a turkey and sprouts wrap in a low carb tortilla and cramming my binders into my backpack, running around with my head down in the sort of focus that running behind induces in large families.

"Princess, take my key and head out to the van please."

So they all troop out, buckle, I run out there, dump my stuff in the front seat, buckle Freida, and actually make it to the school in good time.  Everyone piled out when Princess suddenly asked "where's Pebbles?"

Oh.  My.  Gosh.

"Oh my gosh!  She's... she's.... on the potty!!"

A mom happened to be walking past with her little brood when the exclamation was made.  I looked around desperately and said "if my husband is still at home with her, does that mean I'm not actually a horrible mom?"   She laughed and said "of course not" and I laughed and then RAN back to the driver's seat.

So I put my cell on speaker, started to drive, and thanked heaven that Man had not yet left for work when he picked up my frantic phone call.  She was very upset since preschool is about her favorite thing in the whole world, trumping even Princess movies and ice cream. 

In my defense, Pebbles is by far the most quiet and, dare I say it?, almost the most compliant of all the kids.  Had she not been in the bathroom I know she would have gone out to the van like a shot and been happily belted and seated with her backpack and lunch box perched on her knees before I ever left the door.  She also sits in the very back of the van. 

There.  I've made my excuses.

All told I was only 5 minutes late for class which wasn't a huge loss.  We were discussing Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and I'm already sick of that book. 

And I cheaply learned a million dollar lesson today: always count noses. 


RochelleHaddad said...

You are a great mom. When I read this I felt that even I could have left Pebbles. She really is that quiet. Good luck next time!

KarenT said...

Yeah, so you ARE human...I sometimes wonder, you seem so perfect so often. (as seen through very prejudiced eyes....MAYBE.) xoxoxo, M