Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another way to spend money

Beads on Amazon.

And for very good prices as well!


The bead shops around here are so very expensive and the shipping for these is actually going to be cheaper than driving to the next city over to find Michael's.

Also, question for all those moms out there...
Is there some sort of forumla to be following regarding what consitutes a complete wardrobe for any given child? I'm sure it depends a lot on how hard the kid is on clothes and how quickly and consistently I can get them back into their drawers. What guidelines do you follow?


Kelly said...

I've taken to placing my JoAnn's orders online for the same reason. Shipping is cheaper than $7 worth of gas and not having to drag three kids through a store with bright shiny little things in narrow aisles...priceless!

AFA a complete wardrobe goes...
it depends on how quickly you do laundry.

For our kids:
7 sets of pajamas
7 regular outfits
2 church outfits
1 swimsuit/trunks
about 10 pairs of underwear and socks
1 pair of dress shoes
1 pair of "regular" shoes

We sometimes vary beyond that, but not by much. This gives me a little space if I can't immediatley get to the laundry, but since it rarely backs up beyond a week, we're safe.

My baby list is a little longer because of diaper leak/spitup issues. With toddlers I require more regular outfits since something inevitably gets stained beyond belief and I want at least a couple of outfits we can go in public in.


Andrea Hardee said...

Kelly, you're my hero!