Monday, June 30, 2008

"Look, mom. They don't hurt! Ouch, no they don't hurt. Quick, take the picture! They don't hurt!"

"Hey, I have big rainbow ears!"

Can you guess what Pebbles did while she waited for the rest of us to wake up? What could that stuff be?

Here's another hint.

Good thing she's so cute.

And this is why I don't put her on the floor very much. I put her on a blanket but she's so wiggley that the blanket moves and then one wipe out on the ground leaves her looking like she got into a fight. This particular mark on her face is from falling off the couch. [forehead smack] No more couch. Ever. Until she's 35. Oh, wait, that's dating. Ok, 33.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Blech. But at least she found the wipes.