Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Beware - over thought ahead

I had my friend R over yesterday. Thank you, R, you made my day brighter and funnier!

Anyway, through the course of conversation she said that I must always have something going on in my head. I laughed and thought about this blog and wondered, once again, if I really should post all my musings. It's not for the faint of heart nor the humor deprived.

So, R, here is a sample of what I have going on in my head at any given moment. Today's theme is balance.

This morning we had cold cereal for breakfast (which I'll regret in about an hour) but I encountered a classic cold cereal blunder: after my cereal had been consumed, there was about 1/4 cup of milk in the bottom of the bowl. What do you do with that last milk? I suspect that most people drink it. Others may use their spoons to polish it off. Still others add a small portion of cereal to their milk and eat them together. As I thought about how best to take care of my milk I wondered if adding a bit of cereal still counted as a first helping, since that's still the first helping of milk. But then what if you add too much cereal accidentally and then have to add milk, then more cereal... and that way you eat a whole box of cereal on your first helping? Yeah, that'd be weird.

Driving back from dropping Princess off at school I noticed that someone slowed significantly for a dumb cat who couldn't decide how best to mosey across the street. The resulting break in speed meant that she had to apply the gas perhaps a little more than she would have otherwise to cover the same amount of distance. So I wondered, every time someone breaks and then uses extra gas (thus creating extra pollution) to avoid a squirrel, does a parakeet die? (you know, mining parakeets that die when the air gets all nasty) Is saving that squirrel worth killing all those parakeets?

And finally, as I was making my bed, I realized that the longer it's been since I changed my sheets the greater the effort it takes to make the bed nicely since the covers become loose from their under-the-mattress tucking. So, ignoring the fact that they get dirty, at what point is it more effort to make the bed than to just change the sheets and retuck everything? I'm thinking of keeping a little spreadsheet to chart the relative difficulty of either task over any given period of time to determine maximum bed-making efficiency.

So, R, keep in mind that the next time you ask me what I'm thinking... it might be safer not to. You can go ahead and smack your forehead now. ;)

For those of you who don't know me, I wasn't seriously wondering about any of this. This is how I keep myself entertained. Aren't you entertained?


Anonymous said...

If only you had some original thoughts in there! ;) Just kidding.

I've actually thought most of those things myself. I wasn't thinking in terms of parakeet/squirrel ratios, but I sadly have mused over the exact same thoughts concerning the milk in the bottom of the bowl (I usually just add more cereal and call it the first serving). As for the bed, R doesn't keep the sheets or anything else tucked in (nor does she want it that way, though I sometimes miss that tight feeling), so those thoughts haven't passed through my head since I was a boy.

Good stuff. Of course, if we take these little thoughts too seriously we could end up needing psychological help. That's why we live with normal people - to keep us from straying too far from our little bit of sanity.

Andrea Hardee said...

Thanks for stopping in, Brian!

If you're saying that Man is normal, we need to get together and have a game night. ;)

And those of my friends who peek in at the comments, let it be noted that Brian is a different person than "Friend B" mentioned in the post titled "Oh, what a day". This Brian is just about the antithesis of Friend B.