Monday, January 10, 2011

My son, the inventor

My son has a lot to deal with.  He has asthma, amblyopia, ADHD, allergies to a couple of nuts, and he's brilliant.

Tonight, following basketball practice, he lamented.

"Mom, I'm just worried because I'm so smart.  I'm so smart that I don't spend much time with the family anymore and that makes me sad.  I'm a great inventor, and that's so important but I want to have time to have some fun as well.  I ran so fast at basketball and I'm sad that I have so many amazing skills."

Yes, life is hard.  There, there.


Mediocre Renaissance Man said...

Rochelle laughed uncontrollably at this.

Katie said...

I want to share this with the world. If it were a YouTube video, it would go viral. I can't stop laughing.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My what a kid!