Thursday, October 01, 2009

Pink school

A: [knocks on our door]

Pebbles: [runs to the door, throws it open, and is excited to see her good friend returning some shoes] Ooooh, pretty dress. Are you going to church?

A: No, going to preschool.

P: Pink school? I wanna go to pink school.

Me: Pebbles, you're 3, you need to be 4 to go to preschool.

P: Oooh, ok, I'm 4.

Man: when did you turn 4?

P: I'm 4 and wanna pink school.

-sigh- If only it were that easy.

Man has been on leave for over a week now and my routines are shot. :)

The gym is going well except for an ankle issue that has become my poltergeist. I now walk/run for 2 mins/1.25 mins. Which, of course, is up from 3 mins/15 seconds. Progress, but nary a pound has meandered away. Oh, well. What weighs me down makes me stronger, right?

There was a church activity recently for which I made dolmades with real grape leaves someone brought back from Utah. Recipe is here.

Tag has been put into a supplemental reading program at school because he thinks reading is boring. Time to get more car books. Tag is still making friends all over the neighborhood and riding his bike all over creation.

Princess has been growing taller and thinner all the time. She now stands almost as tall as some of my shorter friends. She rides her bike a lot too and is finally making more friends, now that school is in.

Freida just put together a sentence yesterday "want help me, please" but her "please" still sounds like "neesh". She likes to exclaim "oh, bauw!" when something spills and uses a generous pile of my wash rags to clean even the tiniest mess. We've lost a few to her industrious chucking of things into the garbage.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

So glad your older kids are making friends and getting settled down. Keep the exercisin''s good for you mentally and physically (exercise is my Xanax).