Thursday, January 29, 2009


It turns out that I can't do anything with this DVD until I find the remote. The default option is "recommendations" with "workouts" one tantalizing position down. I gave myself a while to find the remote before breaking out the mini DVD player. But I couldn't find the power cord. So, the hunt for the universal remote began. It needed batteries. Which it got but still wouldn't power up. By now I'm miffed because we have something like 10 AC adapters for all voltages but 12 and not a one of them is labeled or put with its friend, the machine which is powers. The reason for this is that Man has his own "special" way of organizing which is infuriatingly the opposite of mine. I like to have things in their own bins, containers, or bags with labels, or tags of some kind so I can tell what the heck it goes with. Man just remembers. I look at a USB cable and go "duuuuuuuuh" and drool for a bit, while Man takes a look at it and says "oh yeah, that goes with such and such an item I bought 3 years ago. Here, use this one that looks exactly like the first one but most assuredly is the one which you seek." Or something close to that.

So, no Shred yet today. I'm going to see if it works on my computer and I've considered taking the mini DVD player out to the car and doing it in my driveway, but I've decided that I'm not THAT determined.

I AM determined, however, that this desk will be organized some time this week. So help me, or get out of my way.

-scowly face-

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