Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This little girl of mine is in the "must change my clothes every half hour" phase. It makes for a lot of laundry since she usually manages to get her clothing dirty each time. Anyway, I told her to go put some clothes on the other day and this is what she came up with:

It's her own shirt, a diaper (we're working on it), some of her own under pants, and two pairs of her sister's underpants as well. The crocs are Tag's.


Anonymous said...

I know how ya feel Petey! Some days I just can't decide which stuff to wear either!

Kelly said...

Your baby has great balance! I can't believe she's walking so well already!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say, your kids are just SO funny and cool. I smile and laugh every time you post them. Thanks for sharing the good stuff.
