Friday, November 21, 2008

Final version

I'm using a free file share program for file hosting, so if you try to download any of this and it doesn't work, that means I've used all my bandwidth for the month. As of today, I have 3 weeks until it resets, so try again around Christmas. :)

This version of my outline isn't a whole lot different, but it's my final version. I wanted to do more but, meh.

I have dozens more recipes I wish I had posted. Here are three weeks of my own menus:

Week one. (file download)

Week two. (file download)

Week three. (file download)

And I'm working on more, especially since I havn't found a source for a couple of ingredients in these menus (like my fav hoisin sauce)

Here is a link to K-State's Month of Menus. (warning, it's a PDF)

Here's a link to a table called Creative Casseroles. (PDF)

A formula for healthy, satisfying snacks. (PDF)

Here's a MyPyramid sample menu. (PDF)

Here is also a template I used a long time ago to help spring board my menu planning. There are a ton of short cuts that can be used to facilitate the use of this template. I can elaborate later when I think of it (which means, a year from now) or sooner if there's interest.

General Rotation. (this is an excel file)

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