Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is one of my favorite holidays now. The kids still have to go to school, but Man gets to stay home. Somehow, it just seems like more of a vacation that way.

I woke up at my usual time (about 3 snoozes after my alarm goes off) to take the kids to school and then cleaned the house and ran to the grocery store before some friends came over for games and snacks. I'm always surprised at how much food Soldiers can put away. Four bags of chips, a double batch of brownies, and two gallons of Kool-Aid all disappeared over just a couple of hours, not to mention a dinner of chipotle-style burritos.

We played Munchkin and The Great Dalmuti. We seriously need to get a Great Dalmuti hat, preferably one with fake fruit and many ribbons, or perhaps a turban made of tinsel. Yellow tinsel. Another of our favorite party games is Wise and Otherwise.

I have two requests from you, my dear readers.

1) What are your favorite party games? It doesn't have to be a board game.

2) What foods do you long for on Thanksgiving Day? (this should be easy for the Canadians, as Canadian Thanksgiving is still weighing on the belly at this point.)


Katie said...

In the manner of the adjective. But I totally forgot the rules. I bet you could google it, it's a blast. We also love the game where everyone writes down a couple of names (people everyone would know) and then each team takes turns with one person trying to get their team to guess the name. 1st round - use as many words as you want, 2nd round - two words and 3rd round - only one word. Have fun!

Emily said...

An easy-to-learn fun game is Cloud 9. And Ticket to Ride is always a hit.

For Thanksgiving... hmmm... Besides the turkey/stuffing/potatoes basics, I love sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce. Yummmm. I can't wait.

Anne Marie said...

Haven't played either Munchkin or Great Dalmuti. Sound fun. Party games...hmmm...I love Apples to Apples. For 2-players, I love Lost Cities.