Sunday, July 13, 2008


We put Frieda's bed in the living room and let her cry.

The first night, we went to her every 20 mins as she cried to check her diaper, let her burp if she needed, and let her know we didn't abandon her, but no feeding at all. In the morning she was tired and a little clingy.

The second night, she woke twice but didn't cry long enough for us to go get her.

Tonight, she actually woke up before we went to bed but since she's behind a couch and can't see us, she soothed herself and went back to sleep despite having lights and some music on. Yay!

There's hope in sight, light at the end of the tunnel, the home stretch... you get the idea. I'm still so used to waking up every 2-3 hours that I need to relearn how to sleep through the night myself, but not having to get up will sure help with that.


Last baby!! Once this one is settled in for sleeping through the night, all we have to work with to get her up to speed with the others is potty training and feeding herself her own solids. I'm sure she'll be crawling within a few weeks after today's little display of diapered butt wiggling semi fake crawling stuff. And Pebbles has decided, of her own free will and choice, to start peeing on the toilet. Time will tell if this is a phase or the real deal, but we're ecstatic at the idea of having only one child in diapers.

I love newborns, and babies, and all of that stuff. But it's so exciting to watch them grow and achieve milestones. Especially the milestones they choose.

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