Thursday, December 01, 2011

Go Fish

Playing Go Fish with Freida and a deck of face cards.

Me: Ok, you have four cards in your hand. Look at them, and ask if I have one like it.

Freida: Do you have one?

Me: No, see how this card has a four on it? Say, "do you have a four?"

Freida: [measured and careful] Look, I have a four.

Me: Nonono, say "do you have a four?"

Freida: I don't want a four.

Me: Ok, what do you want to have?

Freida: A sandwich.

Me: Do you want to play the game?

Freida: Yeah, I wanna go fish.

Me: Ok, go fish. Now, do you have a two?

Freida: Hmmmmm... [pursing her lips and pushing them sideways] No, but can I find one in the fish?

Me: No, you say "go fish."

Freida: Go fish!

Me: Look at your cards. You need two cards to make a match.

Freida: Look! I have two black ones!

Me: No, no they need to have the same number or letter.

Freida: Here's a six and a six! [holds up a six and a nine]

Me: [crickets] Maybe we should do this with fish cards instead.


CrustyCupcake said...

hahaha I can totally see her face as she looks at you! Try UNO!!

KarenT said...

What a sweetie-pie she is! Maybe you need to wait another year or two for this game, though cards would seem to be a good one-on-one thing with her...time to break down and play dolls with her? :)