Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Man is out processing this week, so he has been sorting through his issued items and generally making sure all of his professional equipment/supplies are in good order. While he did that, I did some of my own out processing. Here's the rundown:

10:00 - Drop hideous, large outside toy at the dumpster outside our neighborhood.
10:10 - Run to Dr's office to get medical records. Find out they will make them while I wait!!
10:30 - Run to next Dr's office to get more medical records. Stop to chat with the parking lot attendant who is former military.
11:00 - Run to hospital for more medical records, where they are offering free small bottles of hand sanitizer to everyone who walks in the door. Yay! I had Princess with me so we both used some. Ugh, it was the kind that stays sticky and slimy for a long time afterward. Blech.
11:45 - Run to Costco, refill glasses cleaner solution, find two items I need (and pick up and put back about 30 items I don't need but WANT WANT WANT). Try to pay with debit card. Crap, wrong PIN three times in a row. Go out to car, use cell phone to call bank and tell them to reactivate my card. Go back and try again, realize that I was trying the wrong PIN the whole time. Slap forehead.
1:00 - (yes, Costco really took that long. It's all in the samples and window shopping) Target to see if school supplies are on sale yet. Nope, but we grabbed a bag of peanut butter M&M's anyway.
1:20 - I dump some M&M's into my (recently thoroughly cleaned) cupholder and hand the bag to Princess. We work our way to the highway and find a high school aged girl on the street corner, begging for food. It's a very common beggar hangout. My window was open so I call out "I don't have cash, but I can give you some Peanut Butter M&M's." She says "oh, ok..." so I reach over into the cupholder, grab her a handful, and hand them over. I was amused to see that the hand sanitizer was still, erm, sticky, so I had to work the last few of them off my hand. Eeeeeeeeww. Then it occurred to me that maybe she thought I had meant an unopened bag of candy. I drove away, knowing I had given what I had available to me. And laughing. And feeling sorry for that young woman who thought that begging was something she felt she had to do.
1:30 - Drop off batteries for recycling, grab some chicken for dinner.
2:00 - Recount to Man the M&M thing. "Well," he said. "Beggar's can't be choosers. It was food." -shrug- Feed baby to sleep then take off again, this time bringing Tag.
2:45 - Run to the next city over to grab more medical records which I requested last week.
3:30 - Stop at WalMart to see if their school supplies are on sale yet. Tag saw the lunch bag that he promised himself to in the pre-mortal life. I offered to buy it for him next week during the sales. He chooses instant gratification and uses his allowance. Whatever. You go, kid.
3:50 - Home again, home again, in time to find Man mostly organized and dashing off to outprocess from the Commissary, PX, and ACS.

Whew! I like this swapping kids thing. It makes errands bearable!! Can you imagine 6 hours worth of driving errands with 4 kids in tow? You can't? Me neither. Every time I try, I get another bowl of ice cream out.


Kelly said...

Any chance you'll be coming through town on your extended trip out to TX???

Adelheide said...

That's funny, I'm not broke but I probably would've taken some peanut butter m&ms.